Did you make that resolution?  You know the one, to somehow better yourself in the new year and to make this a great beginning.  Of course, you know what they say about best intentions, right?  I am here to tell you that if you want it bad enough, you can do it. Using aromatherapy can help with each step of the way as well.  Aromatherapy helps us stay focused, creates energy, centers us, motivates us, relieve our stress and inspires us.  With a little help from some wonderful essential oils, you can and will stay on track with that resolution this year.  

We all find ourselves from time to time not paying attention as much as we should and our mind begins to wander.  When I have an important task to complete and I am struggling to stay focused, I use peppermint essential oil in my diffuser and I am able to focus and stay focused. It will also help if you find yourself with a headache. 

There are also those times when we are low on energy and motivation.  Being a teacher, I can't afford to have a lack of energy or motivation! I'm sure in most jobs that is the case. Besides, it feels better to have that energy flowing through us.  Energy is contagious to others and creates a great environment when everyone is feeling that excitement and motivation to do things. When I begin to feel low on either energy or motivation, I discovered diffusing any citrus essential oil, such as lemon, lime or my favorite, orange, gives me back my good feeling to finish out the day.  

Even though it is a new year and we have best intentions not to let stress get to us, it somehow, some way, finds it's way to us.  Stress is sneaky that way.  When this happens, I need to tell myself to slow down and I make a cup of tea and diffuse lavender essential oil.  You can even add a drop or two into your tea!  It will calm and ward off those feelings of stress and let you relax.  Sometimes, just a few minutes to do this allows our mind to have a break from all the external happenings around us that cause us stress that we may not even realize.

Now, as you go forth with your resolution (or even if you didn't make one like me!), remember to include essential oils in your life.  They will help you keep your goal in sight. Also, if you haven't made a resolution, maybe you could resolve to add essential oils more often in your life.  Such an enjoyable little thing and it can help so much. 

Happy New Year to you.  Enjoy your oils and keep on diffusing!

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